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Con toda seguridad el '''[http://www.1-empresas.info/el-iphone-cinco-es-un-20-mas-leve-y-un-18-mas-delgado-que-el-iphone-4s/ iphone 5]''' , al igual que sus antecesores, tendrá gran aprobación en los compradores y se venderá como “pan caliente” aunque esta ocasión se halla con 2 fuertes en el mercado, el Samsung Galaxy S3 y el Nokia Lumia 920, 2 equipos que no tienen carencia que envidiarle al recién presentado '''[http://www.1-empresas.info/el-iphone-cinco-es-un-20-mas-leve-y-un-18-mas-delgado-que-el-iphone-4s/ iphone video]''' .
<big>Welcome to '''''Subti''Wiki'''! </big> - ''Bacillus subtilis'' annotation the "wiki" way!<br/>
<big>'''Contact:'''</big> [http://wwwuser.gwdg.de/~genmibio/stuelke.html General Microbiology, University of Göttingen], [mailto:jstuelk@gwdg.de send mail]
<big>'''Upcoming events:'''</big>
* The [http://www.grampositiveconference.org/  7th International Conference on Gram-positive Microorganisms] (17th International Conference on Bacilli) organized by [[Marta Perego]], [[Jim Hoch]], and [[Hendrik Szurmant]] is going to take place from June 23 - 27, 2013, in [http://www.montecatini.it/english/ Montecatini Terme] in lovely Tuscany, Italy, [http://www.grampositiveconference.org/ conference website], [mailto:[email protected] contact]
* [[Past conferences]]
“Más, más, más” y “mejor, mejor, mejor” ese fue el popular denominador recitado al acudir el iPhone 5. Sin demeritar y aclarando que es un excelente equipo me surge el subsiguiente cuestionamiento, ¿en dónde está la innovación?
<big>'''New: Subtiwiki is now on [http://www.facebook.com/pages/SubtiWiki/201847669864806 Facebook] - please give it a +1!'''</big>
El '''[http://www.1-empresas.info/el-iphone-cinco-es-un-20-mas-leve-y-un-18-mas-delgado-que-el-iphone-4s/ software iphone]''' Cinco, bajo mi punto de aspecto, es una interpretación mejorada de su antecesor en donde positivamente las novedades son pocas; se posee más pantalla, superior procesador, más velocidad, entre otras.
<big>'''Now online: A description of ''Subti''Wiki, ''Subti''Pathways, and ''Subt''Interact in the [http://nar.oxfordjournals.org/content/40/D1/D1278.full.pdf+html 2012 Database issue of Nucleic Acids Research]'''</big>
<pubmed> 22096228 </pubmed>
<big>'''Paper of the month: September 2012'''</big>
* [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22864117 Chiba and Ito] studied how the translation of [[YidC2]], a membrane protein biogenesis factor, is controlled by [[SpoIIIJ]] availability via ribosome stalling of the ''[[mifM]]'' mRNA.
* '''Relevant ''Subti''Wiki pages:'''  [[Koreaki Ito]], [[translation]], [[YidC2]], [[SpoIIIJ]], ''[[mifM]]''
<pubmed> 22864117 </pubmed>
* [[Previous papers of the month]]
<big>'''New procedure for account creation:'''</big>
* Due to massive spam attacks, we had to change our policy for the creation of accounts. If you want to create an account, just [mailto:[email protected] send me a mail]. We will create the account for you as quickly as possible, then you can change your password. This does not affect existing accounts, which remain active. <br/>
* '''Please remember that all members of the ''Bacillus'' community are invited to create accounts and to contribute to ''Subti''Wiki!'''
<big>'''News in ''Subti''Wiki:'''</big>
* '''August 2012''': [http://cellpublisher.gobics.de/subtiexpress/ ''Subti''Express], the new compagnon of ''Subti''Wiki devoted to gene expression is online! Try it out!
* '''May 2012:''' updated Excel files that map all genes to [[categories]] and [[regulons]] as well as the general updated identity mapping of all genes were uploaded.
* '''April 2012:''' Links for expression data under 104 different conditions (based on [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22383849 Nicolas ''et al''., 2012]) have been added to the expression section of the individual gene pages
* '''April 2011:''' [http://cellpublisher.gobics.de/subtinteract/startpage/start/ ''Subt''Interact], a presentation of [[protein-protein interactions]] in ''B. subtilis'', is online!
* '''December 2010:''' [http://cellpublisher.gobics.de/scp.html SubtiCellPublisher] allows the conversion of CellDesigner diagrams to navigatable presentations in the style of [[SubtiPathways]]
* '''December 2010:''' all genes are linked to [[regulons]], and the pages of the [[regulons]] provide an overview on all genes that are members of this specific regulon.
* '''December 2010:''' all genes/proteins are linked to [[categories]], and the pages of the [[categories]] provide an overview on all genes/proteins that are members of this specific category.
* '''August 2010:''' several new pathway maps including [http://subtiwiki.uni-goettingen.de/pathways/other_nitrogen_sources/index.html Utilization of other nitrogen sources], [http://subtiwiki.uni-goettingen.de/pathways/biotin/index.html Biotin synthesis], [http://subtiwiki.uni-goettingen.de/pathways/murein/index.html Murein recycling], and [http://subtiwiki.uni-goettingen.de/pathways/secretion/index.html Protein secretion] were uploaded to [[SubtiPathways]]
* '''March 2010:''' novel [[plasmids]] for the creation of strains expressing proteins with a C-terminal triple FLAG-tag (for simple immunological analysis of the proteins, [[pGP1087]] and [[pGP1331]])
{| border="0" cellpadding="1"
|width="300"|<big>'''Genes''' (examples)</big>
|width="300"|<big>'''Additional pages'''</big>
|- style="height:20px"
| ''[[spo0A]]'' || '''[http://subtipathways.uni-goettingen.de ''Subti''Pathways]'''
| ''[[glnA]]'' ||  '''[[Lists of genes, proteins and RNAs]]'''
| ''[[rny]]'' ||  '''[[Categories]]'''
| ''[[psdA]]'' || '''[[Regulons]]'''
| ''[[pckA]]'' || '''[[methods]]'''
| ''[[dnaA]]'' ||  '''[[metabolism]]'''
| ''[[rnpA]]'' ||  '''[[protein-protein interactions]]'''
| ''[[sigB]]'' || '''[[genome-wide analyses]]'''
| ''[[ptkA]]'' || '''[[list of plasmids]]'''
| ''[[mreC]]'' || '''[[labs working on Bacillus|labs working on ''Bacillus'']]'''
| ''[[ccpA]]'' || '''[[the people behind SubtiWiki|the people behind ''Subti''Wiki]]'''
| ''[[sr1]]'' || '''[[template]]'''  
|  ||
<big>'''Publications describing ''Subti''Wiki and ''Subti''Pathways:'''</big>
<div style="width:73%"><pubmed>20157485 19959575</pubmed></div>

Revision as of 07:59, 19 September 2012

Welcome to SubtiWiki! - Bacillus subtilis annotation the "wiki" way!

Start page small.png
Playground small.png
Wish List small.png

Contact: General Microbiology, University of Göttingen, send mail

Upcoming events:

New: Subtiwiki is now on Facebook - please give it a +1!

Now online: A description of SubtiWiki, SubtiPathways, and SubtInteract in the 2012 Database issue of Nucleic Acids Research

Paper of the month: September 2012

Shinobu Chiba, Koreaki Ito
Multisite ribosomal stalling: a unique mode of regulatory nascent chain action revealed for MifM.
Mol Cell: 2012, 47(6);863-72
[PubMed:22864117] [WorldCat.org] [DOI] (I p)

New procedure for account creation:

  • Due to massive spam attacks, we had to change our policy for the creation of accounts. If you want to create an account, just send me a mail. We will create the account for you as quickly as possible, then you can change your password. This does not affect existing accounts, which remain active.
  • Please remember that all members of the Bacillus community are invited to create accounts and to contribute to SubtiWiki!

News in SubtiWiki:

Genes (examples) Additional pages
spo0A SubtiPathways
glnA Lists of genes, proteins and RNAs
rny Categories
psdA Regulons
pckA methods
dnaA metabolism
rnpA protein-protein interactions
sigB genome-wide analyses
ptkA list of plasmids
mreC labs working on Bacillus
ccpA the people behind SubtiWiki
sr1 template

Publications describing SubtiWiki and SubtiPathways: