Main Page
Welcome to SubtiWiki! - Bacillus subtilis annotation the "wiki" way!
Contact: General Microbiology, University of Göttingen, send mail
Upcoming events:
- The 6th European Spores Conference will be held in London from April 9 to April 11, 2014. The meeting will be organized by Simon Cutting and Imrich Barak, website, contact
- The next European BACELL meeting will take place in Bratislava from April 29 to April 30, 2014. The meeting will be organized by Imrich Barak, contact
- Past conferences
New: Subtiwiki is now on Facebook - please give it a +1!
Now online: A description of SubtiWiki, SubtiPathways, and SubtInteract in the 2012 Database issue of Nucleic Acids Research
Paper of the month: September 2013
- Biofilms of B. subtilis consist of cells in a matrix made up of extracellular polysaccharides, the amyloid-like TasA protein, and the hydrophobic protein BslA. Now, Hobley et al. from the lab of Nicola Stanley-Wall determined the structure of BslA and found that the protein has an extremely hydrophobic cap domain that acts like a raincoat for the biofilm. The authors suggest that BslA is a bacterial hydrophobin.
- Relevant SubtiWiki pages: Nicola Stanley-Wall, biofilm formation, BslA
- A comment on this paper:
New procedure for account creation:
- Due to massive spam attacks, we had to change our policy for the creation of accounts. If you want to create an account, just send me a mail. We will create the account for you as quickly as possible, then you can change your password. This does not affect existing accounts, which remain active.
- Please remember that all members of the Bacillus community are invited to create accounts and to contribute to SubtiWiki!
News in SubtiWiki:
- April 2013: SubtiWiki uses a new, faster Mediawiki platform! The times for page access are significantly reduced. Enjoy!
- March 2013: updated Excel files that map all genes to categories and regulons as well as the general updated identity mapping of all genes were uploaded.
- October 2012: the essential genes have been categorized
- September 2012: 300 mutant strains available at the BGSC were added to the corresponding gene pages
- August 2012: SubtiExpress, the new compagnon of SubtiWiki devoted to gene expression is online! Try it out!
- April 2012: Links for expression data under 104 different conditions (based on Nicolas et al., 2012) have been added to the expression section of the individual gene pages
- April 2011: SubtInteract, a presentation of protein-protein interactions in B. subtilis, is online!
- December 2010: SubtiCellPublisher allows the conversion of CellDesigner diagrams to navigatable presentations in the style of SubtiPathways
- December 2010: all genes are linked to regulons, and the pages of the regulons provide an overview on all genes that are members of this specific regulon.
- December 2010: all genes/proteins are linked to categories, and the pages of the categories provide an overview on all genes/proteins that are members of this specific category.
Publications describing SubtiWiki and SubtiPathways: