Genome-wide analyses

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The genome sequence

Valérie Barbe, Stéphane Cruveiller, Frank Kunst, Patricia Lenoble, Guillaume Meurice, Agnieszka Sekowska, David Vallenet, Tingzhang Wang, Ivan Moszer, Claudine Médigue, Antoine Danchin
From a consortium sequence to a unified sequence: the Bacillus subtilis 168 reference genome a decade later.
Microbiology (Reading): 2009, 155(Pt 6);1758-1775
[PubMed:19383706] [] [DOI] (P p)

Daniel R Zeigler, Zoltán Prágai, Sabrina Rodriguez, Bastien Chevreux, Andrea Muffler, Thomas Albert, Renyuan Bai, Markus Wyss, John B Perkins
The origins of 168, W23, and other Bacillus subtilis legacy strains.
J Bacteriol: 2008, 190(21);6983-95
[PubMed:18723616] [] [DOI] (I p)

F Kunst, N Ogasawara, I Moszer, A M Albertini, G Alloni, V Azevedo, M G Bertero, P Bessières, A Bolotin, S Borchert, R Borriss, L Boursier, A Brans, M Braun, S C Brignell, S Bron, S Brouillet, C V Bruschi, B Caldwell, V Capuano, N M Carter, S K Choi, J J Codani, I F Connerton, N J Cummings, R A Daniel, F Denizot, K M Devine, A Düsterhöft, S D Ehrlich, P T Emmerson, K D Entian, J Errington, C Fabret, E Ferrari, D Foulger, C Fritz, M Fujita, Y Fujita, S Fuma, A Galizzi, N Galleron, S Y Ghim, P Glaser, A Goffeau, E J Golightly, G Grandi, G Guiseppi, B J Guy, K Haga, J Haiech, C R Harwood, A Hènaut, H Hilbert, S Holsappel, S Hosono, M F Hullo, M Itaya, L Jones, B Joris, D Karamata, Y Kasahara, M Klaerr-Blanchard, C Klein, Y Kobayashi, P Koetter, G Koningstein, S Krogh, M Kumano, K Kurita, A Lapidus, S Lardinois, J Lauber, V Lazarevic, S M Lee, A Levine, H Liu, S Masuda, C Mauël, C Médigue, N Medina, R P Mellado, M Mizuno, D Moestl, S Nakai, M Noback, D Noone, M O'Reilly, K Ogawa, A Ogiwara, B Oudega, S H Park, V Parro, T M Pohl, D Portetelle, S Porwollik, A M Prescott, E Presecan, P Pujic, B Purnelle, G Rapoport, M Rey, S Reynolds, M Rieger, C Rivolta, E Rocha, B Roche, M Rose, Y Sadaie, T Sato, E Scanlan, S Schleich, R Schroeter, F Scoffone, J Sekiguchi, A Sekowska, S J Seror, P Serror, B S Shin, B Soldo, A Sorokin, E Tacconi, T Takagi, H Takahashi, K Takemaru, M Takeuchi, A Tamakoshi, T Tanaka, P Terpstra, A Tognoni, V Tosato, S Uchiyama, M Vandenbol, F Vannier, A Vassarotti, A Viari, R Wambutt, E Wedler, H Wedler, T Weitzenegger, P Winters, A Wipat, H Yamamoto, K Yamane, K Yasumoto, K Yata, K Yoshida, H F Yoshikawa, E Zumstein, H Yoshikawa, A Danchin
The complete genome sequence of the gram-positive bacterium Bacillus subtilis.
Nature: 1997, 390(6657);249-56
[PubMed:9384377] [] [DOI] (P p)

Transcript analysis

Proteome analysis