Daniel Reuß
Schmidl et al: PLOS Pathogens
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DegQ IscUSufU SufS CssSCssR YvrG
SdpRSdpI YkzW YvfTYvfU RsbQ AcoR RocR EpsAEpsB PsdSPsdR UvrB
CotGCotB YwrAYwrB TkmA PtpZ Ugd
Ssb SsbB Ldh YvyG YnfE Asd YorK LicC
YycHYycI WalRWalK ThdFGidA GmuC
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Martin Lehnik-Habrink, Marc Schaffer, Ulrike Mäder, Christine Diethmaier, Christina Herzberg, Jörg Stülke
RNA processing in Bacillus subtilis: identification of targets of the essential RNase Y.
Mol Microbiol: 2011, 81(6);1459-73
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