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- 1 Genes in this functional category
- 2 Important reviews
- 3 Important original publications
- 4 Important web site: SporeWeb
- 5 Back to categories
Genes in this functional category
Spore coat proteins
Class I
- these proteins completly cover the membrane around the forespore
- early localizing spore coat proteins
Class II
- these proteins localize simultaneously with the class I proteins but begin to encase the spore only after engulfment is complete
- early localizing spore coat proteins
Class III
- these proteins localize simultaneously with the class I and class II proteins but start to encase the spore only after the appearance of phase dark spores (hr 4.5)
- early localizing spore coat proteins
Class IV
- late localizing spore coat proteins (only after completion of engulfment)
- intermediate between classes III and V
Class V
- late localizing spore coat proteins (only after completion of engulfment)
- localize exclusively to phase dark spores
- localize simultaneously to both poles of the spore
Class VI
- late localizing spore coat proteins (only after completion of engulfment)
- most delayed initial localization
- localize excluseively to phase bright spores
not yet assigned
- cgeA
- cgeB
- cgeC
- cgeD
- cgeE
- cmpA
- cotC
- cotF
- cotH
- cotI
- cotJA
- cotJB
- cotJC
- cotR
- cotSA
- cotV
- cotX
- cotY
- gerQ
- gerR
- gerT
- ldt
- safA
- yabG
- ygaK
- ydhD
- yhbB
- yheC
- yisJ
- yjdH
- ykvP
- yobN
- yodI
- ypeP
- yqfT
- ywqH
Important publications on the spore coat
Spore coat protein/ based on similarity
Small acid-soluble spore proteins
Non-homologous end joining DNA repair
Sporulation proteins/ other
- coxA
- csbX
- ctaA
- ctpB
- cwlC
- cwlH
- dacB
- dacF
- dapA
- dapG
- divIB
- divIC
- exoA
- exuR
- exuT
- fabL
- fin
- fisB
- ftsY
- gin
- glcU
- glgA
- glgB
- glgC
- glgD
- glgP
- glnH
- glnM
- glnP
- glnQ
- ispG
- kamA
- katX
- ksgA
- lonB
- lysA
- lytH
- mbl
- mcsA
- mcsB
- mmgA
- mmgB
- mmgC
- mmgD
- mmgE
- murB
- murG
- mutTA
- nfo
- pbpF
- pbpG
- pbpI
- pdaB
- phoB
- phoP
- phoR
- prkA
- remA
- rsfA
- sbp
- scoA
- scoB
- seaA
- sigF
- sigG
- sodF
- splA
- splB
- spmA
- spmB
- spoIIAA
- spoIIAB
- spoIID
- spoIIIAA
- spoIIIAB
- spoIIIAC
- spoIIIAD
- spoIIIAE
- spoIIIAF
- spoIIIAG
- spoIIIAH
- spoIIIC
- spoIIID
- spoIIM
- spoIIP
- spoIIQ
- spoIIR
- spoIISA
- spoIVA
- spoIVB
- spoIVCA
- spoIVCB
- spoIVFA
- spoIVFB
- spoVAA
- spoVAB
- spoVAC
- spoVAF
- spoVB
- spoVD
- spoVE
- spoVFA
- spoVFB
- ypfB
- yphA
- ypjB
- ypqA
- ypzA
- yqcK
- yqfC
- yqfD
- yqfQ
- yqfU
- yqfX
- yqfZ
- yqhG
- yqhH
- yqhP
- yqhQ
- yqiQ
- yqxA
- yqzG
- yrkC
- yrrD
- yrrS
- ytaF
- ytcC
- yteA
- yteV
- ytfI
Newly identified sporulation proteins (based on transcription profiling)
- ykjA
- ykoN
- ykoP
- ykoQ
- ykoS
- ykoT
- ykoY
- ykpC
- ykuS
- ykwB
- ykzD
- ykzE
- ykzH
- ylaK
- ylxY
- ymaF
- ymfH
- ymfI
- ymfJ
- yndM
- ynfE
- yngK
- yngL
- ynzE
- yoaI
- yoaM
- yoaQ
- yqgE
- yqgO
- yqhO
- yqhR
- yqhV
- yqjB
- yqjC
- yrbE
- yrbG
- yrdN
- yrrI
- yrrT
- yrzA
- yrzE
- yrzK
- ysnE
- ytcA
- ytcB
- ytdA
- yteT
- ytvB
- ytwI
- ytzC
- ytzH
- yubC
- yueG
- yufS
- yugF
- yumB
- yunC
- yurZ
- yusW
- yutC
- yutG
- yuzE
- yuzF
- yvaC
- yvaG
- yvaK
- yvaM
- yvdA
- ywaF
- ywbB
- ywkF
- ywmA
- ywnG
- ywoC
- ywqH
- ywqI
- ywqK
- ywqL
- ywrK
- yxbA
- yyaL
- yybP
- yycN
- yycO
- yycP
- yycQ
- yyzB
Important reviews
Michael Y Galperin, Sergei L Mekhedov, Pere Puigbo, Sergey Smirnov, Yuri I Wolf, Daniel J Rigden
Genomic determinants of sporulation in Bacilli and Clostridia: towards the minimal set of sporulation-specific genes.
Environ Microbiol: 2012, 14(11);2870-90
(I p)
Douglas Higgins, Jonathan Dworkin
Recent progress in Bacillus subtilis sporulation.
FEMS Microbiol Rev: 2012, 36(1);131-48
(I p)
Michiel J L de Hoon, Patrick Eichenberger, Dennis Vitkup
Hierarchical evolution of the bacterial sporulation network.
Curr Biol: 2010, 20(17);R735-45
(I p)
Imrich Barák, Anthony J Wilkinson
Where asymmetry in gene expression originates.
Mol Microbiol: 2005, 57(3);611-20
(P p)
Michael D Yudkin, Joanna Clarkson
Differential gene expression in genetically identical sister cells: the initiation of sporulation in Bacillus subtilis.
Mol Microbiol: 2005, 56(3);578-89
(P p)
Imrich Barák, Ezio Ricca, Simon M Cutting
From fundamental studies of sporulation to applied spore research.
Mol Microbiol: 2005, 55(2);330-8
(P p)
Patrick J Piggot, David W Hilbert
Sporulation of Bacillus subtilis.
Curr Opin Microbiol: 2004, 7(6);579-86
(P p)
David W Hilbert, Patrick J Piggot
Compartmentalization of gene expression during Bacillus subtilis spore formation.
Microbiol Mol Biol Rev: 2004, 68(2);234-62
(P p)
Jeff Errington
Regulation of endospore formation in Bacillus subtilis.
Nat Rev Microbiol: 2003, 1(2);117-26
(P p)
R R Freedman
Raynaud's phenomenon, lack of neurological influence.
Br J Rheumatol: 1990, 29(6);492-3
(P p)
Important original publications
Important web site: SporeWeb
- SporeWeb is a dynamic web-based platform describing all stages of sporulation in B. subtilis from a gene regulatory point of view. The website is intended for all microbial researches interested in bacterial sporulation and/or gene regulatory networks and contains useful information for both sporulation experts and non-experts.
- You can find:
- detailed review-like descriptions of all sporulation stages,
- schematic representations of regulatory events during every stage,
- links to specific regulators and their regulons,
- access to detailed Excel sheets of all sporulation-specific regulons,
- Cytoscape-generated layouts of regulon interactions during a specific stage,
- a tool to generate your own Cytoscape interaction figure for specific genes of interest,
- heat maps showing expression values of all sporulation genes during the sporulation cycle (derived from Nicolas et al., 2012),
- direct links to other knowledge platforms, such as SubtiWiki,
- an extensive list of references for further detailed information.
- The website is self explanatory, but you can also take a quick look at the short introduction video.
- Importantly, the website is database driven: it can (and will) be updated as new exciting insights become available in literature.